
Located in the central part of Guangdong Province, Foshan is situated in the hinterland of the Pearl River Delta, east to Guangzhou and south to Zhongshan. It is an important manufacturing center and part of the “Guangfo Metropolitan Circle”.

Foshan City has jurisdiction over 5 municipal districts: Chancheng District, Shunde District, Nanhai District, Sanshui District and Gaoming District. In 2017, the resident population of Foshan was 7,565,700 according to Baidu.

Foshan is a national historical and cultural city famous for dragon and lion culture city in China, the birthplace of Cantonese opera, and the Lingnan culture. It’s also one of the birthplaces of Cantonese culture and Cantonese cuisine.

Famous Scenery in Foshan

  • Zumiao Ancestral Temple 祖庙 – Chancheng District
  • Xiqiao Mountain 西樵山 – Nanhai District
  • Changlu Farm 长鹿农庄 – Shunde District
  • Lingnan World 岭南天地 –  Chancheng District
  • Snoopy Theme Park 史卢比主题公园 – Shunde District
  • Nanfeng Ancient Kiln 南风古灶 –  Chancheng District



Train Stations

  • Foshan Station 佛山站 – older K and Z type trains that service Chengdu, Xiamen, Kunming, Sanya, Guiyang, Xinyi, Beijing, Shanghai, Maoming, Harbin
  • Foshan West Railway Station 佛山西站 – major new station offering fast trains to Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Kunming,  Zhaoqing, Guilin, Guiyang, Zhuhai, Nanning
  • Sanshui Station 三水站 – one daily K train servicing Xinyi, Maoming, Zhaoqing, Guangzhou
  • Sanshui South Station 三水南站 – high speed trains to Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhaoqing, Guiyang, Guilin, Behai
  • Bijiang 碧江 –  on the Guangzhou-Zhuhai Intercity High Speed Train line
  • Beijiao 北滘 –  on the Guangzhou-Zhuhai Intercity High Speed Train line
  • Shunde 顺德 –  on the Guangzhou-Zhuhai Intercity High Speed Train line
  • Shunde College 顺德学院 –  on the Guangzhou-Zhuhai Intercity High Speed Train line
  • Ronggui 容桂 –  on the Guangzhou-Zhuhai Intercity High Speed Train line



Foshan Metro currently has one line, the Guangfo Line which connects to the Guangzhou Metro system via line 8 at Shayuan Station 沙园 and line 1 at Xilang Station 西朗.

This line is set to be expanded and 2 new lines are under construction. See Guangzhou Metro Map which includes the Foshan Metro.


Foshan Shadi Airport (FUO) is located 7 km northwest of Foshan City. As a military and civilian airport, Foshan Shadi Airport has daily flights to and from Beijing Nanyuan Airport (NAY) and Wuxi Sunan Shuofang International Airport (WUX) operated by China United Airlines.


Shunde Port Foshan, Shunde 顺德 has regular services to Hong Kong

Foshan City to Guangzhou City Center (Tianhe)
  • opt 1: Take the Guangfo Metro line to Xilang Station 西朗 then transfer to line 1 and depart at West Tiyu Road Station. Total travel time around 75 minutes.
  • opt 2: Take a taxi to Foshan Railway Station and train to Guangzhou Railway station then GZ Metro line 5 to Peral River New Town Station. Total travel time 75 minutes not inc wait time.
  • opt 3: Take a taxi, taking around 50 minutes and costing around 80 RMB

Outside of Foshan City, it may be wise to make use of nearby rail stations such as Foshan West, either of the stations in Sanshui, or any of the stations on the Guangzhou-Zhuhai Intercity High Speed Train line.

Getting from Foshan City to Hong Kong
  • opt 1: (Sep 23) Take a taxi to Guangzhou South Station, then take the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong XRL to West Kowloon Station. 40 min taxi (73 RMB) + 48 mins train (215 RMB)
  • opt 2: take the Foshan-Kowloon Through Train from Foshan Railway Station (one service daily). 3hr 20 min at 230 HKD.
  • opt 3: take a cross-border coach. There is a lot of options, see here for schedule and the journey takes around 3 hours 30 min at 110 RMB or 200 RMB to the HK International Airport.
  • opt 4: Take a ferry from Shunde Port to Hong Kong China Ferry Terminal. 2 HR at 230 RMB. More info
Getting from Foshan City to Shenzhen
  • opt 1: (Sep 23) Take a taxi to Guangzhou South Station, then take the train to Shenzhen North Station or Futian Station. 40 min taxi (73 RMB) + 78 min train (79 RMB)
  • opt 2: Take the Guangfo Metro line to Xilang Station 西朗 then transfer to line 1 and depart at Guangzhou East Station and take a train to Shenzhen Railway Station (Luohu). 85min metro + 80min min train (79.5 RMB).
  • opt 3: take a cross-border coach. Most services terminate at Shenzhen Bay Border which may or may not be convenient. Around 120 min and 100 RMB see schedules

Foshan Attractions things to do in Foshan City

Nanhai Film and Television City 南海影视城 Zhongshan Park, Foshan City 佛山市中山公园 Shunde Xishan Temple 顺德西山庙 Shunde Baolin Temple 顺德宝林寺 Foshan Liangyuan 佛山梁园
Qingyun Cave 庆云洞 Chencun Flower World 陈村花卉世界 Liu Chuan Memorial Hall 刘传纪念馆 Huang Fei Hongwu Hall 黄飞鸿武馆 Renshou Temple 仁寿寺
Nanhai Guanyin Temple 南海观音寺 Sanshui Forest Park 三水森林公园 Former residence of Liang Qichao 梁启超故居 Daqitou Village 大旗头村 Jiujiangyu Nature Reserve 九江璜玑自然保护区
Reed Ancestral Temple 芦苞祖庙 Sanshui Jiudao Valley 三水九道谷 Bijiang Shade Old Garden 碧江荫老园 Qiandeng Lake 千灯湖 Yu Wen Education Farm 蔼雯教育农庄
Tea garden 茶景园 Shiwan Art Ceramics Factory 石湾美术陶瓷厂 Shunde Bijiang Golden House 顺德碧江金楼 Shunde Ecological Park 顺德生态乐园 Donghuali 东华里
Carter Racing Club 卡特赛车俱乐部 Red Pine Wong Tai Sin 赤松黄大仙圣境 Foshan Kang Youwei’s former residence 佛山康有为故居 Li Xiaolong’s ancestral home 李小龙祖居 Sanshui Forest Racing Club 三水森林赛车俱乐部
Jinxia Temple 锦霞禅院 Feixia Cave 飞霞洞 Jasper Cave 碧玉洞 Longtao Bay Forest Dynamic Water City 龙涛湾森林动感水城 Shunde Memorial Arch 顺德牌坊
Shunfeng Park 顺峰公园 Shunfeng Memorial Arch 顺峰牌坊 Huang Feihong Memorial Hall 黄飞鸿纪念馆 Venta Park 文塔公园 Tongji Bridge 通济桥
Heshang Old Ruins Site 河宕旧墟遗址 Shunde Changlu Farm 顺德长鹿农庄 Yundonghai 云东海 Xiqiao Mountain 西樵山 Sanshui Lotus World 三水荷花世界
Gaoming soap curtain mountain 高明皂幕山 Jane’s Villa 简氏别墅 Qinghui Garden 清晖园 Nanfeng ancient stove 南风古灶 Xiqiao Mountain 西樵山
Southern Country Taoyuan 南国桃园 Foshan New Eight Views 佛山新八景 Chengmentou Road 城门头路 Shixiang Danglou 石巷当楼 Stone Road Lane 石路巷
Zumiao Street Shop 祖庙大街店铺 Tapo Temple and Well 塔坡庙和井 East China 东华里 Sanshui Old Customs Building 三水旧海关大楼 Quarry Bay Site 鱿鱼岗遗址
Shiyanyan quarry site 石燕岩采石遗址

Foshan historical building

Ancestral temple 祖庙 Temple of Confucius 孔庙 Renshou Temple 仁寿寺 Huang Feihong Memorial Hall 黄飞鸿纪念馆
Ye Wentang 叶问堂 Foshan Feihong World 佛山飞鸿天地 Jane’s Villa 简氏别墅 Donghuali 东华里
Gion 蕺园 Fuxian Luminchu Qilou Commercial Street 福贤路民初骑楼商业街 Zhaoxiang Huanggong 兆祥黄公祠 Shilu Lane Ming Dynasty Residential Group 石路巷明代民居群
Chongli Qing Dynasty House Group 崇德里清代宅第群 Lufeng Danglou 禄丰当楼 Shixiang Danglou 石巷当楼 Juren Litu 居仁里土府
Nan Zhaotang 简照南佛堂 Shixiang Mingzhi Qingzhuang House Complex 石巷明至清庄宅建筑群 Jingtang Ancient Temple 经堂古寺 Shixiang Huangshichang  石巷黄世昌追风膏药祖铺及两侧高档住宅群
District home 区家庄 Hongsheng Memorial Hall 鸿胜纪念馆 Tower temple 塔坡庙塔坡井 From the Keren Li Qing to the early Republic of China 居仁里清至民初高档宅第群
Marriage house and building community in Wenhui 文会里嫁取屋及建筑群落 Li Zhongsheng Tang Zupu 李众胜堂祖铺 Longtang Poetry Society 龙塘诗社 Huang Xianghua Ruyi Oil Shop 黄祥华如意油铺
Pioneer temple 先锋古庙 Jiaoshanfang Ming Dynasty Residence 教善坊明代民居 Jiaoshanfang, the beginning of the Western-style house 教善坊民初西洋式宅第 Huo Style Mansion 霍式大宅第
“Combined blind public cake” ancestral building complex “合记盲公饼”祖铺建筑群 Longevity tree marrying house complex 长生树嫁娶屋建筑群 Old shop in the early Ming Dynasty 明初旧铺 Huang Ancestral Hall 黄氏宗祠
Chang Taili 长泰里 Christian Church 基督教赍恩堂 Liang Yuan 梁园 Qingyun Street Building 青云大街当楼
Former Residence of Li Keqiong 李可琼故居 Lotus Lane 莲花巷土府 Alley 大巷 Pedri 培德里
Zan Shengtang 赞生堂 Shengshengtang 生生堂 Suining Road 汾宁路 Ren Wai 任围
Guogong Ancient Temple 国公古庙 Yejiazhuang 叶家庄


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