The Red Boat of the Pearl River Cruise

The Red Boat of the Pearl River can be said to be the most distinctive Pearl River night cruise. Guangzhou has the saying “Look at the Guangzhou story and listen to the legend of the Red Boat”. The “Red Boat of the Pearl River” is 52 meters long and 15 meters wide. Like a Lingnan building built on the water. From the bow to the stern, the Pearl River Red Boat embodies the finely carved, simple and elegant Lingnan ancient architectural art, carrying the memories of Guangzhou in different eras.

On the Red Boat of the Pearl River, you can also watch the famous performance every day. It is a high-tech modern machine and human body interactive performance. It uses 3D holographic images to blend with traditional art and tells the story of the famous Hong Kong opera troupe. It is the embodiment of the essence of Cantonese opera.

Opening hours: On Tuesday-Sunday, 18:50 first show and second show 20:10. Closed on Monday.

Tickets can be bought online at or with prices ranging from 68 and 148RMB




  • CN Name: “珠江红船”号游船
  • EN Address: Ship terminal in the east of Haixinsha Asian Games Park, Tianhe District, Guangzhou
  • CN Address: 广州市天河区海心沙亚运公园东区“船说”码头

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