Guangzhou Qingping Market

The Qingping Market area features more than 1,500 shops and features the only established market for Chinese herbal medicines in the metropolitan area.

In the farmers market, you can find all kinds of meats and vegetables. It can be a real eye opener for a foreign guest featuring live animals inc. birds, fish etc. and many traditional foods and ingredients that you are unlikely to see any western supermarket.

Guangzhou Qingping Chinese herbal medicine market is one of the earliest professional market, which is located in the Pearl River region. It is located in Qingping Road, Tiyun Cross Road Interchange, Guangzhou. The market is also the first medical trade platform in China that allows the business scope to reach five categories: Chinese herbal medicines, Chinese herbal medicines, Chinese and Western medicines, medical devices and health products. The Qingping Medical Center, which is heavily built with 9 floors, is a landmark.

Note: there are multiple marketplaces in this area.


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