Nanhai Temple

The Nanhai Temple is commonly known as the “Poluo Temple”. It is the only surviving temple in the ancient four sea temples in China. It is also an important historical site of China’s ancient foreign trade. It has a history of more than 1,400 years.

In ancient times, the sea-going vessel or the ship from a distant place had to pass through the ancient pier located in the temple of Nanhai. Many merchant ships stopped here to worship the temple and pray for smooth sailing. Therefore, it has also become a historical witness to the prosperity of Guangzhou’s maritime trade. A large number of precious historical relics.

Since the Sui and Tang Dynasties in the temple, there have been many stone carvings due to emperors sending officials to the temple to hold ceremonies, thus leaving many precious inscriptions. Therefore, the temple is also known as the “Southern Forest of Steles.”

It is worth mentioning that there is also a bathing pavilion in the temple. It has been a good place to watch the sunrise on the sea since ancient times. The “Fushang Bathing Day”, one of the eight scenic spots in the Song Dynasty, refers to this place.

Every year from February 11th to 13th of the lunar calendar, the Nanhai Divine Life, also known as Boluo, will be held here. It has a history of more than 1,400 years.

Entry ticket is 10 RMB.



  • CN Name: 南海神庙
  • Website:
  • EN Address: Miaotou Community, Suidong Street, Huangpu District, Guangzhou
  • CN Address: 广州市黄埔区穗东街庙头社区
  • Nearby Hotel Pick: INSAIL Hotel
  • Getting There: Take metro line 13 to Nahai Temple Station
  • Open Hours: 9:00-16:30

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